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Thursday, February 01, 2007


collage (old)

chernobyl's sweetheart

honey, it's all in your head


both of these are great and quite different from one another. "honey . . ." is particularly great and oddly accurate.
the quality of these is kinda low because I mod podged them to be all shiny (and the scanner sucks. honey is cropped, unfortunately.)
that chick at the top of honey has reaaaaaaally long hair.
oh wow, these are powerful! i particularly like your use of text... it's so easy to go overboard or nonsensical with text in collages, but this works perfectly!
amelia is the collage queen. what is the metal stuff woven in there?
I LOVE it the bottom one the best of course. You have a very unque story-telling collage skill I have yet to tackle and accomplish.
Your collage work makes me think of the Brothers Quay. I get the most amazing mechanical sounds in my head while looking at these. I like that.
My, what a compliment! I love the Brothers Quay, though I've never thought to compare my stuff with theirs. Thank you!
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