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Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Rock n Roll.

Art in various mediums on the topic of rock n roll and all its glorious facets.

A DJ in her booth, playing some rock n roll. MS Paint.

The icon I made for my facebook group, Lady Rockstars. Dig that asian hottie.

Lady rockstars supports rocking in all the races. MS Paint on a photograph of some ink stains.

Can't have a rock show without an audience. Pen and paint markers.

Rock n roller with a bowler. Oil pastels.

"Ha, ha. I'll be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker." Pen and sharpie.

One of my favorite bands with a peppermint something that sort of reminds me of a zombie cat.

Pen and crayon.

And most importantly, a cartoon Ziggy Stardust made of graphite and colored pencil. All hail the god of glam.

Thank you!

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I'm going to comment on my own work just because I can. and I can't believe no one even gave a shout out to my cartoon david bowie... le sigh.
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